Due to the increasing size of this international player, a sub-branch for logistics innovation was established. As the company’s ‘ideas branch’, they work on software developments for Logistics, Warehousing and Security.
As a result, the parent company no longer had to use external parties for transport and logistics. The successes of this new branch are worth noting. As a result, they now offer their services to external parties.
A story of constant growth, for which new employees are frequently sought.
Due to the size and pace at which this logistics company operates, there is a frequent need for new employees.
Besides the need to support the company’s growth, positions become vacant due to various reasons:
- employees grow internally,
- change jobs
- or retire.
Although the company focuses on internal advancement opportunities, it relies on Stroom to fill other positions.
‘Not out of commercial gain, but because they really feel that these individuals are a match for our company.’
The difference from traditional CV-sliders
Vanuit een bedrijfspolicy schrijft de contactpersoon van Stroom – Operations Manager – altijd opdrachten uit naar een drietal recruitment partners. Al merkt hij een groot verschil tussen Stroom en klassieke recruiters:
‘Most agencies are real CV-sliders. They forward a lot of profiles of which I sometimes think: ‘how dare you even propose this person?’ At Stroom it is different. They understand much better what a specific role entails and how the culture works here internally.’
And that understanding does not come naturally. That is why Stroom’s consultants spent a day with the logistics company. They were given an extensive warehouse tour, discovered the work processes, were introduced to the various divisions and had a question-and-answer session… Our contact summarised the day with a smile: ‘They now understand our culture and what is needed internally. To sum up: a great morning with sausage rolls’.

A shortlist of candidates who really fit within two days
Stroom’s involvement and the substantive knowledge of its consultants prove its worth. As a result, the contact is only presented with candidates who are a real match.
“We vertrouwen echt op Anne & Ilona van Stroom. Binnen 2 dagen pikken ze de juiste mensen eruit”.
De aanpak van onze contactpersoon tegenover potentiële kandidaten zorgt ook voor een efficiënte samenwerking. De focus ligt eerder op soft skills en een cultuurmatch dan de juiste hard skills. Uiteraard moeten minimum requirements afgevinkt worden, maar hard skills leer je beter aan dan soft skills.
Appreciation for extra services and… Belgian chocolate!
According to our contact, Stroom excels because of the extra guidance and support on top of placements.
‘Of course, for recruiters, placements are their way of generating revenue. But in working with Stroom, this does not feel like the driver,’ he adds.
The extra services he values most?
1. Sparring sessions on the position to be filled
When he briefs a new assignment to Stroom, he enjoys the transparent discussion Anne initiates. Is the position feasible and is it a realistic salary package that is being offered against it? ‘Through their input, we create a better match between offer and candidate’.
2. Follow-up after placement
When candidates start internally, Stroom keeps its finger on the pulse. They call placed candidates every so often to hear how things are going. This way, they guarantee that a new employee has a good start.
3. Pro-actief voorstellen
Doordat Stroom weet wat er speelt binnen het logistieke bedrijf, stellen ze soms pro-actief kandidaten voor. “Niet vanuit commercieel gewin, maar omdat ze écht het gevoel hebben dat deze personen een match zijn met ons bedrijf”, duidt onze contactpersoon.
4. Customer management
“Op dit vlak excelleert Stroom echt. Ze checken vaak met ons in over de toekomstplannen. Zo kunnen ze pro-actief aan de slag gaan. Om de zoveel tijd komen ze ook langs bij ons op kantoor. De Belgische chocolade die ze dan meebrengen is natuurlijk ook van harte welkom!”, legt onze contactpersoon uit.
In summary: a sustainable collaboration
De samenwerking is een schoolvoorbeeld van hoe recruitment ook kan: menselijk, doordacht en gericht op de lange termijn. Dankzij Stroom heeft dit logistieke bedrijf niet alleen gekwalificeerde medewerkers gevonden, maar ook een partner die meedenkt en investeert in hun succes. Dit is een samenwerking die nog jaren zal voortduren en waar beide partijen beter van worden.
Hence, Stroom’s impact at this company is clear: better placement rates, a closer-knit team and a recruitment process that goes beyond passing on CVs.